The Blog

Signs you are nailing your baby’s wake windows
Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Signs you are nailing your baby’s wake windows

As a parent, figuring out your baby’s wake windows can feel like cracking a secret code. When should they nap? Are they awake too long? Not long enough? It’s easy to get caught up in the guessing game. But here’s the good news: when you’re nailing your baby’s wake windows, it shows—and your baby’s sleep will thank you for it!

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Sound machines: Should you use white noise to support your child’s sleep?
Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Sound machines: Should you use white noise to support your child’s sleep?

As a parent, you've likely tried everything to help your little one sleep better—rocking, shushing, swaddling, even driving around the block late at night. But if you haven’t tried using white noise, you may be missing out on a simple, yet effective solution to support your child’s sleep. White noise machines have become a go-to tool for many sleep-deprived parents, but is it really the secret to peaceful nights and longer naps?

In this blog, we’ll break down exactly what white noise is, why it can help your child fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, and how it compares to other sounds like brown and pink noise. We’ll also cover practical tips for safely using white noise to ensure your child’s sleep environment is as restful as possible. Finally, we’ll answer the big question: when—and if—you should stop using white noise? If you’re curious about whether a sound machine could be the key to better sleep, keep reading to learn more!

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Coping with sleep deprivation as a mom: 8 tips for self-care and recovery
Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Coping with sleep deprivation as a mom: 8 tips for self-care and recovery

Sleep deprivation is one of the toughest challenges moms face- as a mom of 4 kids under 4, I get it! But it doesn’t have to overwhelm you and there are absolutely things you can do to help ease some of the sleep deprivation. By incorporating my 8 go-to tips for sleep deprived moms, you can recover from sleepless nights, stay strong for your baby, and still feel like an actual human being. Keep reading for practical tips to help you cope with sleep deprivation while prioritizing your own well-being.

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Surviving sick season: how to support your baby’s sleep
Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Surviving sick season: how to support your baby’s sleep

Sick season is never easy—especially when your little one is battling a cold or flu, and you're juggling sleepless nights and endless worry. As a parent, you may find yourself watching over your baby, wondering how to keep their sleep on track while they’re feeling under the weather. The good news? With a few adjustments, you can help your baby get the rest they need to heal, even during those sniffly, restless nights.

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Addressing sleep associations
Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Addressing sleep associations

Is your baby waking up multiple times a night, needing to be rocked, fed, or held back to sleep? You might be dealing with sleep associations, a common challenge that many parents face but don’t always realize. Sleep associations are the habits and cues that your baby relies on to fall asleep—and while some are helpful, others can become obstacles that keep everyone from getting the rest they need.

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Sleep myths debunked: Common misconceptions about infant and toddler sleep
Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Sleep myths debunked: Common misconceptions about infant and toddler sleep

When it comes to getting your baby or toddler to sleep well, advice is never in short supply. From well-meaning relatives to online forums, everyone seems to have a “tried and true” tip that promises longer stretches of sleep. But what if some of this advice is actually working against you? Common sleep myths like feeding your baby cereal before bed, keeping them up late so they’ll sleep in, or never waking a sleeping baby have been passed down for generations—but they might be doing more harm than good.

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Overcoming your child's separation anxiety at sleep times
Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Overcoming your child's separation anxiety at sleep times

Separation anxiety at sleep time can turn bedtime into a struggle, leaving both parents and children feeling overwhelmed. If your once peaceful bedtime routine has become a nightly challenge, you're not alone. Separation anxiety is a common developmental phase, but that doesn't make it any easier to navigate. The good news? With the right strategies, you can help your child overcome their fears and make sleep time a comforting experience once again.

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Breaking the pacifier habit: How to help your child sleep without it
Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Breaking the pacifier habit: How to help your child sleep without it

Is it time to say goodbye to the pacifier? While pacifiers can be a lifesaver for soothing your baby, there comes a point when it’s best to let them go. The process of weaning off the pacifier can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a smooth transition for both you and your little one. In this blog, we’ll discuss the signs that it’s time to drop the pacifier, share tips for using it less during the newborn phase, outline steps for helping your baby give up the pacifier, and provide strategies for ditching the pacifier with your toddler. Ready to help your child develop healthier sleep habits? Let’s dive in and make this transition as easy and stress-free as possible!

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Understanding the 12 month sleep regression
Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Understanding the 12 month sleep regression

Is your once peaceful sleeper suddenly waking at all hours of the night and refusing their naps? Welcome to the 12-month baby sleep regression, a phase that can leave even the most experienced parents feeling frazzled. You're not alone in this sleep chaos but understanding what’s happening can make all the difference.

In this post, I’ll explore the telltale signs of the 12-month sleep regression, how long you can expect it to last, and the reasons behind this perplexing phase. Plus, I’ll share two quick and effective tips to help you and your little one navigate this challenging time. Keep reading if you’re ready to reclaim your sleep and help your baby through this sleep regression.

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Fixing your baby’s split nights
Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Fixing your baby’s split nights

Is your baby waking at night for extended periods of time? Split nights can literally feel like the worst thing when you’re desperate for a full night of sleep. You may even be reading this blog as you sit up overnight waiting for your baby to finally go back to sleep. These marathon waking sessions are often frustrating and confusing. Aren’t babies supposed to sleep at night? Why does my baby think she’s nocturnal? Lucky for you, I’m here to share the 3 main causes of split nights and give you tools to tackle this issue so you can get back to sleeping all night!

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Your roadmap to the 2 to 1 nap transition
Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Your roadmap to the 2 to 1 nap transition

Nap transitions can be really confusing. You may be unsure if it’s time to drop from 2 to 1 nap. You may be wondering if there is a right or wrong time to do it? Some days your toddler may be taking 2 naps just fine while other days seem to be a trainwreck. But the thought of removing the morning nap can feel impossible.

Transitioning from two naps to one is the biggest nap transition you will go through. It can be a challenging transition for your toddler so knowing the best way to approach this transition as well as being patient during the process is key. In this blog, I'll walk you through the signs indicating it's time to make the switch, strategies for a smooth transition, and practical tips to ease the adjustment.

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How to drop the swaddle for sleep
Newborn, Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

How to drop the swaddle for sleep

If you know me, then you know I love me a good swaddle! Swaddling can make such a difference for a newborn’s sleep. But, there’s also a time and place to stop swaddling. And that can feel big and scary. Perhaps you’ve just finally gotten to a place with your baby’s sleep where things are leveling out. If that’s the case, the idea of now dropping the swaddle and throwing sleep back into chaos can feel like the worst decision you could make. Or maybe sleep has really never gotten better for you and the thought of now making it potentially worse by dropping the swaddle almost seems like too much to bear.

Whether you and your baby are getting good sleep or not, transitioning away from the swaddle just never seems like a fun option. But I promise, it doesn’t have to be such a scary transition. Dropping the swaddle is simply an adjustment that your baby will make and within about a week, sleep will be back to normal!

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5 signs that it's time to drop a nap
Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

5 signs that it's time to drop a nap

One of the exciting parts about watching your baby grow up is that they are always learning new things and changing. Sometimes it can feel like every day brings something new! However, this can also be a bit frustrating because it means their sleep schedule and sleep needs are ever changing too. Just when you feel like you've gotten into a good groove, you find it's time to increase wake windows and drop a nap. But luckily you're here, reading this blog, and I'm going to share all about how to determine if it's time for a nap transition, including the 5 key signs to be on the lookout for.

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How to manage your baby’s sleep regressions like a pro
Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

How to manage your baby’s sleep regressions like a pro

As a pediatric sleep consultant, it’s not uncommon for me to receive messages like this: “My baby suddenly isn’t sleeping! Is there a sleep regression at 12 months?” In fact, I get this question all the time, for every different age imaginable. Sleep disruptions can be so frustrating and confusing and it often makes us feel just a little better if we can blame it on a sleep regression!

So let’s jump into this topic of sleep regressions. We’ll tackle what a sleep regression is, how long it can last, and what ages you should expect sleep regressions to happen.

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The dream feed: what it is and how to do it
Newborn, Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

The dream feed: what it is and how to do it

Are you struggling with night wakings? Perhaps someone has suggested that you should try a dream feed with your baby? But what is a dream feed anyways? And is it the right choice for your sleep situation? I’m so glad you’re here because in this blog I’m going to break down what the dream feed is, who it’s for, and how to do it! Keep reading to learn more.

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Transitioning from 3 to 2 naps with your baby
Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Transitioning from 3 to 2 naps with your baby

Transitioning from three naps to two is a milestone that can bring a mix of anticipation and apprehension for parents. The process requires patience, consistency, and a keen eye for your baby's cues. In this blog, I'll walk you through the signs indicating it's time to make the switch, strategies for a smooth transition, and practical tips to ease the adjustment.

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 Tips For Baby Sleep During Travel
Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Tips For Baby Sleep During Travel

Traveling with your babies can be such a fun and exciting adventure! But I’d be lying if I didn’t share that many parents worry about their children’s sleep while traveling. And oftentimes it can feel like sleep (or lack thereof) can literally make or break a good family trip! However, as a mom of 3, 3 and under, I’m here to encourage you and share that you can travel and still get sleep with your babies! I’m including all my best sleep tips below so read on!

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Rolling Into Dreamland: Expert Baby Sleep Tips for the Rolling Phase
Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Baby Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Rolling Into Dreamland: Expert Baby Sleep Tips for the Rolling Phase

Babies rolling from back to tummy is a common developmental milestone that signifies their increasing mobility and strength. Around 4-6 months of age, many infants start mastering the art of rolling over. This newfound skill can bring mixed emotions for parents, as it showcases their baby’s growing independence but may also raise concerns about sleep safety. Not to mention the ways in which it can disrupt your baby’s sleep too!

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