Early Morning Wakings:

Your Guide to Longer Sleep and Happier Mornings

Struggling with Early Morning Wake-Ups?

Does your day start at the crack of dawn with a crying baby or a restless toddler?

Are you struggling to get enough sleep, only to be jolted awake hours before you're ready to start the day?

Early morning wake-ups can leave you feeling drained, frustrated, and desperate for a solution.

You’re not alone—many parents face this same challenge.

The early wake-ups can disrupt your entire routine, making it hard to function throughout the day.

Lack of sleep doesn’t just affect you; it impacts your baby’s mood, development, and overall well-being.

    • You're Exhausted: You’re waking up before the sun rises, and it’s taking a toll on your energy and mood. No matter what time you put your little one to bed, they’re up at the crack of dawn, leaving you feeling drained.

    • You're Overwhelmed: You’ve tried everything—adjusting bedtime, feeding schedules, and even the sleep environment—but nothing seems to work. You’re at a loss for what to do next.

    • Your Baby is Cranky: Those early morning wake-ups aren’t just affecting you; they’re making your baby fussy and irritable throughout the day, leading to more frequent meltdowns.

    • Your Family’s Routine is Disrupted: Early risings are throwing off your entire day, making it hard to stick to a consistent routine. You’re struggling to find time for yourself, your partner, and your other responsibilities.

    • You're Desperate for a Solution: You want to enjoy peaceful mornings and start the day feeling refreshed, but you don’t know how to break the cycle of early wake-ups.

Does this sound like you?

What If There Was a Solution?

Imagine if those exhausting early morning wake-ups could be a thing of the past.

What if there was a guide that could help you understand why your baby is waking up so early and give you the tools to fix it?

A resource that could offer practical, proven strategies to help your little one sleep longer, so you can start your day feeling rested and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

What do you do?

Early Morning Wakings:

Your Guide to Longer Sleep and Happier Mornings

is that solution.

This comprehensive guide is designed to tackle the specific challenges of early morning wake-ups.

It’s more than just advice—it’s a step-by-step plan tailored to help your child sleep better, so you can finally enjoy those peaceful, uninterrupted mornings you’ve been longing for.

In This Guide, You Will Learn:

  • Why Early Morning Wakings Happen: Gain a deep understanding of the common causes behind your child’s early rising and how to address them effectively.

  • Crafting the Ideal Sleep Schedule: Find out how to establish a sleep schedule that aligns with your child’s natural wake windows, ensuring they get the right amount of rest.

  • Optimizing the Sleep Environment: Discover how to create the perfect sleep environment that encourages longer, uninterrupted sleep.

  • Influencing Sleep with Activity and Light Exposure: Learn how daytime activities and exposure to natural light can help regulate your child’s internal clock and promote better sleep.

  • The Role of Feeding in Early Wake-Ups: Explore the connection between feeding schedules and early morning waking, with tips on how to adjust feeding routines for better sleep

  • How to Identify Sleep Patterns: Learn to track and analyze your baby’s sleep patterns to pinpoint the factors contributing to early wake-ups.

  • Managing Sleep Associations: Understand how sleep associations can impact your child’s wake time and learn strategies to gently shift these associations for improved sleep.

  • Implementing Changes with Confidence: Use the included checklist to easily implement the strategies outlined in the guide, helping you make lasting changes to your child’s sleep routine.

“Our 15 month old was waking at 5am for months. With being up with our newborn through the night and then waking at 5am with her, we were absolutely exhausted. She’s now sleeping until closer to 7am and we couldn’t be more grateful.”

-Amber, New York


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Developed by a pediatric sleep consultant & mom of 4 with proven results.


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If early morning wake-ups are disrupting your family’s sleep, it's time for a change.

"Early Morning Wakings: Your Guide to Longer Sleep and Happier Mornings" is a 36-page guide packed with expert advice to help you extend your child's sleep and enjoy more restful mornings.

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