The Blog
Fixing your baby’s split nights
Is your baby waking at night for extended periods of time? Split nights can literally feel like the worst thing when you’re desperate for a full night of sleep. You may even be reading this blog as you sit up overnight waiting for your baby to finally go back to sleep. These marathon waking sessions are often frustrating and confusing. Aren’t babies supposed to sleep at night? Why does my baby think she’s nocturnal? Lucky for you, I’m here to share the 3 main causes of split nights and give you tools to tackle this issue so you can get back to sleeping all night!
The dream feed: what it is and how to do it
Are you struggling with night wakings? Perhaps someone has suggested that you should try a dream feed with your baby? But what is a dream feed anyways? And is it the right choice for your sleep situation? I’m so glad you’re here because in this blog I’m going to break down what the dream feed is, who it’s for, and how to do it! Keep reading to learn more.