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Sleep myths debunked: Common misconceptions about infant and toddler sleep
Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist Newborn, Baby, Toddler Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Sleep myths debunked: Common misconceptions about infant and toddler sleep

When it comes to getting your baby or toddler to sleep well, advice is never in short supply. From well-meaning relatives to online forums, everyone seems to have a “tried and true” tip that promises longer stretches of sleep. But what if some of this advice is actually working against you? Common sleep myths like feeding your baby cereal before bed, keeping them up late so they’ll sleep in, or never waking a sleeping baby have been passed down for generations—but they might be doing more harm than good.

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