Surviving the 8-Month Sleep Regression: Tips and Strategies for Parents

Picture this: your sweet babe has been sleeping like a dream for a few months now. Then suddenly, they start waking up multiple times during the night, refusing to go back to sleep. Sound familiar?

Welcome to the 8-month sleep regression! But don't panic; you're not alone, and there are ways to get through it.

What is a sleep regression?

A sleep regression refers to a temporary disruption in a baby or toddler's sleep patterns, typically occurring around key developmental milestones or changes. During these regressions, previously established sleep routines may suddenly unravel, leading to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking more frequently during the night. These regressions can manifest as increased fussiness, shorter naps, or bedtime battles. While sleep regressions can be frustrating for both parents and children, they are a normal part of development as infants' brains and bodies undergo significant changes. Your child will go through many sleep regressions in their first 2 years of life. These can be common at 4 months, 8 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 2 years old.

Signs that the 8-month sleep regression is happening:

  • Night Wakings: Your previously good sleeper is now waking up multiple times during the night. This could manifest in many different ways. False starts- where baby is waking within an hour or two after being put to sleep at bedtime, frequent night wakings- waking 2 or more times per night, early morning wakings- baby used to sleep until close to 7am and now they suddenly are waking before 6 am.

  • Difficulty Falling Asleep: What once seemed like a seamless transition into sleep now feels like an uphill battle. The same bedtime routines that used to work like magic suddenly lose their efficacy, leaving both you and your baby super frustrated and exhausted. It's not uncommon for bedtime to stretch out longer than usual for days or weeks on end during the 8-month regression.

  • Shorter Naps: Daytime naps might become shorter or it might be more of a struggle to get them down for a nap even initially.

  • Increased Crankiness: Your baby may seem more irritable or clingy during the day due to disrupted sleep patterns.

Why the 8-month sleep regression happens:

Understanding why the 8-month sleep regression occurs can provide some comfort amid the exhaustion. The 8-month sleep regression often shows up as a result of significant developmental milestones that your baby experiences around this age. At eight months, babies undergo huge changes in their physical, cognitive, and emotional development, which can disrupt their current sleep patterns.

Some of the developments we see around 8 months, include newfound mobility, such as crawling or pulling themselves up, can lead to increased excitement and exploration during the day, making it harder for them to unwind and settle down at night. You may even see that they are constantly trying to practice their new skills even in their crib during “sleep times”.

Additionally, mental advancements, like object permanence, may cause separation anxiety when your baby realizes that you're not always present, leading to increased nighttime awakenings and difficulty self-soothing.

These developmental progressions, combined with teething discomfort or emerging social skills, contribute to the perfect storm of the 8-month sleep regression. An exhausting time for both baby and PARENTS.

How long does it last:

The duration of the 8-month sleep regression can vary from child to child, but typically, it lasts for a few weeks. This is IF no new habits have formed during this time.

When nights get tough it can become very easy for parents to let new sleep associations creep in. I always like to remind parents that it only takes 3 days to form a new habit.

If your baby is waking more frequently in the night, it’s easy to go back to offering multiple night feeds, co-sleeping, or even rocking baby back to sleep. But this can make the regression worse, as now your baby may go on to rely on those associations to fall asleep.

What once was just a sleep regression may now be a situation that you have to work even harder to come out of because of the new habits formed.

Tips to Survive It:

  • Stick to a Consistent Routine: Maintaining a regular bedtime routine can provide comfort and security and signals to your baby that it’s time for sleep. We want to make sure we are giving baby enough time to wind down before BOTH naps and bedtime. I’d aim to remove baby from any stimulating environments at least 15 minutes before nap time and an hour before bedtime. Ensure that screens are off, lights are on the dim side, and begin their pre-sleep routine. This can be as simple as: diaper change, read a book, put sleep sack on, turn the sound machine on, lay baby down in their crib.

  • Offer Comfort and Reassurance: Respond to your baby's nighttime wakings with gentle reassurance, but try to avoid doing anything that you wouldn’t want to become a habit. I always try to remind my clients, it only takes 3 days for a new habit to form. Some of the common things I see working with families in the 8-month regression that have turned out to be hard habits to break, feeding baby back to sleep, holding baby back to sleep, and co-sleeping. If you weren’t soothing baby like that before the regression, I wouldn’t start now.

  • Encourage Independent Sleep Skills: If you haven’t previously done any sleep training with your baby, you could help your baby learn to self-soothe by gradually encouraging them to fall asleep independently, without relying on external props or interventions. I’m here to help if you want a solid plan in place and want that 1:1 support.

  • Adjust Daytime Schedule if Necessary: If daytime naps are affected, consider tweaking your baby's schedule to ensure they're getting enough restorative sleep throughout the day. Download a copy of my 8-month schedule here

  • Stay Patient and Consistent: Remember that this phase is temporary, and with patience and consistency, you and your baby will get through it together.

The 8-month sleep regression can undoubtedly test the patience and resolve of even the most seasoned parents. However, armed with knowledge and strategies to support your little one through this phase, you can navigate it with confidence.

If you're finding it challenging to manage your baby's sleep regression or have concerns about their sleep habits, reach out to me for guidance. Get in touch with us now to arrange a consultation and begin the journey toward improved sleep for your whole family.

Lexi | Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Newborn Care Specialist

Baby & toddler sleep consultant, newborn care specialist, military spouse, and mom of three under three. I’ve been there; sleep deprived, overwhelmed with motherhood, and feeling like no one understand. It’s my mission to help tired families worldwide reclaim sleep and thrive in parenthood. My kids now sleep 11-12 hours per night and your’s can too!


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