Twin & Siblings Sleep Support Packages
Ready to finally get some sleep and thrive in parenthood?
Have twins or multiples & want to get them sleeping through the night?
Looking for solutions to end the bedtime battles with your children?
Wondering how to get the whole family on a better sleep schedule?
As a mom of 3, 3& under. I GET IT
There’s no one size fits all when it comes to sleep training plans.
Your one-on-one coaching and sleep plan will be customized just for you.

It’s time for your family to get more sleep
We will work together to…
Get your children to sleep longer stretches throughout the night.
Sleep train your children without the Cry it out method?
Get your children to sleep independently in their own cribs or beds.
Work on a sustainable solution for sibling room sharing
Have a more consistent routine around your children’s sleep.
Lengthen your twin or mutliples naps and get them synched on a schedule
Wean nighttime feedings.
Eliminate those 5a.m. wake-ups.
Get you more rest and time for self care.
Let me help
Roadmap to Better Sleep
We will discuss your current sleep struggles and talk about how I can help you achieve your goals.
Select which package you feel is the best fit for your goals and the level of support you need.
This will include information about your child’s personality, schedule, feeding habits, family philosophy, and family lifestyle. This information is used to create your custom sleep plan.
You will be emailed a copy of your custom sleep plan
We will kickoff your sleep package with a call where I will go over your sleep plan step-by-step.
During plan implementation, I will be there to support you every step of the way! I will offer encouragement, coaching, accountability, and plan adjustments as needed.
We will end the program with a 30 minute call to go over everything we implemented. I will also provide you with resources to continue encouraging healthy sleep habits.
Once your child is sleeping better you will have more time for yourself again. Get sleep, spend time with your partner, binge watch your favorite netflix shows, exercise, eat a hot meal, read a book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for months. The possibilities are endless!
Package Options
Twin Support
Detailed intake questionnaire
Access to Rested Sleep tracking app
Two weeks of daily analysis & feedback of sleep logs
Customized sleep plan
Nursery evaluation via Zoom or Google Meets
Two weeks of daily voice & chat support via RESTED app during business hours (8am-6pm PST)
Plan kick-off coaching call
mid plan check-in call
Plan wrap up coaching call
One month post plan check-in email
No extra charge for twins! Price is the same as our other two week package
Siblings Support
Detailed intake questionnaire
Access to RESTED Sleep tracking app
Two weeks of daily analysis and feedback of sleep logs
(2) Customized sleep plans
Nursery Evaluation
Two weeks of daily voice & text support via RESTED app during business hours (8am-6pm PST)
Plan kick-off coaching call
Mid plan coaching call
Plan wrap up coaching call
One month post plan check-in email
40 page farewell sleep guide
Price shown is for two siblings. $100 charge for each additional sibling after two.
“Lexi helped me finally sleep again after my third! You’d think after your third child, you’d have sleep routines set and it would be easy. Not me! My third made me feel like a first time mom again. The kid just wouldn’t sleep and nothing seemed to work. Lexi listen to my experience and all the things I tried. She reminded me of things I forgot and helped me develop an easy plan to follow. My third finally sleeps, which means I sleep. If you’re a first time mom or second/third time mom and struggling to sleep, you should definitely reach out to Lexi!”
Client Love
- Grace F
Not sure which package to choose?
Schedule a consult call and I’d be happy to offer you guidance.